AS63963 Gateway Online Access Limited

Spam statistics of AS63963 Gateway Online Access Limited

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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS63963

Ownership of AS63963

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS63963 is currently not specified in public records. Ownership details of ASNs are typically listed in databases managed by Regional Internet Registries, but the specific owner of AS63963 might not be disclosed or available in such databases.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the entity owning AS63963 is not publicly documented. ASNs are generally used by entities such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), large organizations with significant internet infrastructure, or data center operators to manage their routing policies and internet connectivity.

Establishment of AS63963

The establishment date of AS63963 is not readily available in public records. ASN creation dates can often be found in the records of the issuing Regional Internet Registry, but such information may not always be accessible or published for general knowledge.

Malicious Use of AS63963

Concerning the potential malicious use of AS63963, it's important to refer to security databases and blacklists that track such activities. According to CleanTalk, a service that monitors IP addresses and ASNs for spam and other abusive behavior, there could be reports or incidents linked to AS63963 if hackers or spammers have utilized it for nefarious purposes. However, without direct access to CleanTalk's database, no specific details on the reputation or incidents associated with AS63963 can be provided here.

WhoIs AS63963


SPAM active IP addresses in AS63963 Gateway Online Access Limited

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 01:00:482024-06-16 16:40:3825 15:55:532024-06-04 02:01:0421

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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