AS63984 Nexdecade Technology Pvt. LTD

Spam statistics of AS63984 Nexdecade Technology Pvt. LTD

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About AS63984

Ownership of AS63984

AS63984 is owned by Lao Telecom Communication, LTC. It is a telecommunication company based in Laos that provides various internet services to its customers.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Lao Telecom Communication involves providing internet services such as broadband access, mobile data services, and other related telecommunication services to the region it serves.

Establishment of AS63984

The exact date of establishment for AS63984 is not typically public information. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are allocated to entities upon request and upon meeting certain criteria set by regional internet registries, but the allocation date does not necessarily reflect when operations began.

Malicious Use of AS63984

Like many autonomous systems, AS63984 can be susceptible to misuse by hackers or spammers. According to data from, there may have been instances where AS63984 was reported for hosting spam or malicious activities. However, this information should be interpreted with caution, as it can often involve compromised systems within an otherwise legitimate network rather than direct malice from the owner.

Please note that the details regarding whether hackers or spammers use AS63984 with malicious intent are subject to change, and the latest information would be available on platforms that track such activities, like

WhoIs AS63984


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