Spam statistics of AS699 KANOBE INC

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United States
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- spam active IP adresses

Introduction to AS699

Autonomous System 699 (AS699) is a distinct network, known in the realm of internet routing for its unique operations and ownership.

Ownership of AS699

The owner of AS699 is APNIC Debogon Project, which operates under the stewardship of the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC). APNIC is one of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) responsible for allocation and management of IP addresses and related resources within the Asia Pacific region.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS699's owner, APNIC Debogon Project, involves research and analysis related to IP address usage. Specifically, they focus on "debogonizing" new IP address blocks. The term "bogon" refers to IP addresses that have not been announced in the global routing table. Before new address blocks are officially used, they need to be tested to ensure they do not carry any historical baggage or are not inadvertently blacklisted, hence the term debogon project.

Establishment of AS699

Details regarding the exact establishment date of AS699 are typically maintained in databases managed by RIRs such as APNIC. However, this information is not readily available in public records and might require specific historical data requests from APNIC for precise dates.

Usage of AS699 by Malicious Actors

Concerns about hackers or spammers using AS699 with malicious intent are valid given the nature of cybersecurity threats across the internet. According to, a service providing IP address blacklisting, there is no explicit data suggesting that AS699 is currently associated with a significant level of hacker or spammer activity. This suggests that the autonomous system is not a known source of malicious traffic, although vigilance by network administrators and cybersecurity professionals remains essential.

To ensure accurate and up-to-date information regarding the reputation of AS699, stakeholders can refer to various online security platforms like which monitor and report on IP address-related security issues.

WhoIs AS699
