Spam statistics of AS7099 NORTEL

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About AS7099

Ownership of AS7099

The Autonomous System (AS) number 7099 is owned by Universo Online S.A., which is a large internet service provider in Brazil.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Universo Online S.A. involves providing internet services such as broadband access, web hosting, and other related services to a vast consumer base in Brazil.

Establishment of AS7099

There is no specific public record readily available regarding the exact establishment date of AS7099 within this context or through the provided source. To obtain this information, one would typically look at historical records from regional internet registries or the organization itself.

Malicious Use of AS7099

Like many large networks, AS7099 may occasionally be used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. According to data from CleanTalk, it appears there have been incidents of abuse detected. However, without a direct link to the webpage, it's not feasible to provide detailed current statistics or specific instances of such activities. Organizations like CleanTalk often monitor and report on such activities to help mitigate and prevent abuse.

WhoIs AS7099
