AS9712 INet Technologies Co., Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS9712 INet Technologies Co., Ltd.

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Korea
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS9712

Owner of AS9712

The owner of AS9712 is Kookmin University in South Korea.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Kookmin University, the owner of AS9712, is to provide education and research services. As an academic institution, its network is primarily used for supporting the university's educational and research missions.

Establishment of AS9712

Information about the exact establishment date of AS9712 is not readily available in public records. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are typically assigned when an organization requires a unique identifier for their internet routing, but the specific date of assignment for AS9712 would require further investigation or inquiry with the responsible registry.

Malicious Use of AS9712

With regards to malicious intents such as hacking or spamming activities, there isn't publicly accessible information that suggests that AS9712 has been prevalently used for such purposes. However, like any network, it may occasionally be subject to security breaches or misuse. It is important for any network operator, including educational institutions like Kookmin University, to implement robust security measures to protect against unauthorized use.

As of my knowledge cutoff date, detailed and up-to-date information regarding the abuse status of AS9712 can be found on various online platforms that track the reputation of IP addresses and networks. For instance, CleanTalk provides a blacklist checking service, but for the latest details, one would need to visit their website directly.

WhoIs AS9712


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1119.42.160.0/20South Korea409657371.00%
2119.42.176.0/20South Korea409640200.00%
3119.42.168.0/22South Korea102419172.00%
4119.42.172.0/22South Korea10241791.00%
5119.42.160.0/22South Korea10241671.00%
6119.42.164.0/22South Korea1024540.00%
7119.42.172.0/24South Korea256431.00%
8202.167.216.0/21South Korea20481130.00%
9119.42.164.0/24South Korea256321.00%
10202.167.220.0/22South Korea1024620.00%
11202.167.216.0/22South Korea1024510.00%
12211.35.64.0/20South Korea40962910.00%
13211.35.64.0/22South Korea1024310.00%
14211.35.64.0/24South Korea256210.00%
15211.35.64.0/21South Korea20481510.00%
16221.133.48.0/21South Korea2048210.00%
17221.133.56.0/21South Korea2048510.00%
1843.231.204.0/22United States1024900.00%
1943.231.204.0/23United States512200.00%
20103.38.26.0/23South Korea512200.00%
21202.136.112.0/23South Korea512200.00%
22202.136.112.0/22South Korea1024300.00%
23202.136.112.0/20South Korea40961700.00%
24202.136.112.0/21South Korea2048700.00%
25202.136.116.0/24South Korea256100.00%
26202.136.116.0/22South Korea1024400.00%
27202.136.120.0/22South Korea1024500.00%
28202.136.120.0/21South Korea20481000.00%
29202.136.124.0/22South Korea1024500.00%
30202.167.208.0/21South Korea20481000.00%