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XenForo: How to Update the CleanTalk Anti-Spam Add-on


Text version

  1. Go to XenForo Administrator Panel —> Home —> Add-ons —> List Add-ons —> press the red cross in the row with "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk".
  2. Confirm uninstall by pressing the button "Uninstall Add-on".
  3. Download the add-on archive from CleanTalk (the link is at the beginning of this page or use the link given to you personally), unzip its content in "/library".
  4. After that press the button "+ Install Add-on" on the same page.
  5. Go back to the Install New Add-on page, choose the file "addon-CleanTalk.xml" from the folder "library". Then press the button "Install Add-on".
  6. After the installation go to Home —> Options, find and click the category "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk".
  7. Setup the Anti-Spam add-on, make sure that the access key matches the key from your CleanTalk Dashboard. Then press the button "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.
  8. (Optional) Test the protection by making a registration using the blacklisted e-mail


Congratulations. The Anti-Spam is updated!


Version with pictures

1. Go to XenForo Administrator Panel —> Home —> Add-ons —> List Add-ons —> press the red cross in the row with "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk".

Xenforo Anti-Spam plugin uninstall


2. Confirm uninstall by pressing the button "Uninstall Add-on".

Xenforo Anti-Spam plugin uninstall


3. After finishing uninstall process press the button "+ Install Add-on" on the same page.

Xenforo Anti-Spam plugin install


4. Download the add-on archive from CleanTalk (the link is at the beginning of this page or use the link given to you personally), unzip its content in "/library".

5. Go back to the Install New Add-on page, choose the file "addon-CleanTalk.xml" from the folder "library". Then press the button "Install Add-on".

Xenforo Anti-Spam plugin install


6. After the installation go to Home —> Options, find and click the category "Anti-Spam by CleanTalk".

Xenforo Anti-Spam plugin configure


7. Setup the Anti-Spam add-on, make sure that the access key matches the key from your CleanTalk Dashboard. Then press the button "Save Changes".

Xenforo Anti-Spam plugin options



Congratulations. The Anti-Spam is updated!


Give the Dashboard a few minutes to change your Anti-Spam status.
Please, go to Dashboard to see the Anti-Spam status, add new websites or manage existing ones!



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